Scripture: Psalm 78:70,72(ESV) He chose David his servant and took him from the sheepfolds; With an upright heart, he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.
Whenever God calls a man, He has a generation and His peculiar people at heart. The calling of God is not about yourself but what God wants to implicate in a moment. God took David from the sheepfold assigning him the responsibility of taking care of Israel, his inheritance.
David led Israel according to the integrity of his heart ( character) and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands. Character and competence are bedfellows, and are also vital ingredients in any life pursuit.
Beloved, though it is needful to develop the requisite skill and acuity and be competent in whatever we do, it is critically important to cultivate character to back it. Without it, there will be unplanned errors and setbacks that will pull us from fulfilling the purpose of God for our lives.
Whatever opportunity competence creates, it requires the character to sustain it. I pray that we shall exhibit integrity of heart( character)and skillfulness of hands(competence) in everything we do. This is the key to sustainable success and fulfillment. Have a fruitful day!!
God of heaven and earth, help me to feed your sheep according to the integrity of my heart and help me to remain faithful through out Jesus’ Name. Amen.