How To Receive That Which Is From Above

Scripture: John 3:27(ESV)
John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it is given him from heaven.

The first principle every believer must come to acknowledge is that our LORD is the owner of all things. He exercises His sovereignty by administering everything according to the counsel of His own will to fulfill His purposes and pleasures in our lives.

We are just but stewards by His manifold grace and favor. Sometimes we are tempted to think that we are the framers of our prosperity and inventors of our successes. Such a mindset puts us in a self-destruct mode and short-circuits the grace of God over our lives.

As faithful stewards, we must acknowledge God as our sole source of divine providence and humbly administer the resources entrusted to us to serve  His purpose. Above all, let’s be thankful to God at all times, for without Him we can do nothing. Stay faithful and blessed!!!

God is the provider of all things. I owe and attribute all I have to Him alone!!!

Abba Father, thank you for the gift of life, for my success, and for all the good things I receive from you, it is not by my act of good deeds but by your grace upon my life. Help me in this journey in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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