John 1:5(KJV)
And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
You are mandated to always shine in God’s light. The world is full of darkness and darkness cannot comprehend the light of God. Jesus Christ has shone as the light in the dark ages to bring mortality to the peace of the Father by calling us to dwell in the light of God. Dwelling in the light of God makes us have peace with the Father and give us His eternal peace.
Anyone that is born of God is the light of the world because Christ is in you. This means wherever you go you must shine forth this light to people who are enslaved in darkness. Your influence in the kingdom must portray light because Jesus is in you.
Beloved, arise and shine and keep on upholding the standards of God’s life wherever you find yourself. Many oppositions will rise against you because you are light, don’t feel intimidated, and never give up. The Lord is with you. You’re a blessing!
Thank you heavenly Father for shining a light in my life, and for being faithful to every promise upon my life. He’ll be to walk in your path of holiness in Jesus’ Name. Amen.