The Love of God – 11

Scripture: John 3:19(KJV)
And this is the condemnation, that light comes into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.

If you sow a maize seed, you will not harvest a mango, but maize in multiple folds. What is the point here? As a child of God, you’re to choose eternal life and neglect the Adamic life. Eternal life is the God kind of life that is full of eternal peace.

If you truly love God and your love for Him is so great you will choose eternal life. This is the new life you received through Jesus Christ when you became born again. After death, it is only the soul and the spirit that faces judgment, the flesh does not. Deny yourself from every evil work that is full of darkness.

Beloved in Christ Jesus, our love for God will help us deny ourselves of the Adamic life and hate it. If you choose the Adamic life know that you will lose it in the end. May the Spirit of the Lord strengthen you to choose His eternal life! Praise the Lord!


King of Kings, your word has taught me to choose light while it is dark. May your peace be with me to see your light in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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