Scripture: Colossians 1:19. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.
Mankind had almost resigned itself to the meaninglessness of our existence when God brought us to Christ and lavishly poured out His life on us.
Yes, Christ poured out His life on us. Before, we were filled with ourselves and consumed by our sins. Today, we are filled up with heavenly deities and we are being transformed continually into the image of Christ.
When we are given fullness in Christ, God stimulates our passions and our desires so that our hunger to know Him grows every day. We begin to cry out, I want to know Christ,” as Paul did in his letter to the Philippians believers.
All of our passions become purified in one desire, and that is for God to possess all that we are and for us to know all that He is.
The pursuit of God must become your desire every day of your life. In every generation, God raises men and women to fulfill His mandate. You’re His elect and called to fulfill this assignment. The testimony of His grace has been preserved by those willing to be a channel for the life of God into this world. You’re blessed in Jesus’ Name ‘
I’m transformed into the image of God because I’m walking in God’s light and dominion, I’m no longer a slave to sin but redeem and sentenced into a life of Christ and His kingdom. Thank you Abba Father in Jesus’ Name.Amen.