The Love of God – 12

Scripture: John 3:19(KJV)
And this is the condemnation, that light comes into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.

Bible says this body is the temple of the Lord and He dwells in us. If you’re able to put away this soulish life, that is the only way you will be able to enjoy the eternal life that was promised by God through His son Jesus Christ.

Your love for God is that you choose eternal life (the life we find in Jesus Christ) over eternal condemnation. When you choose to believe in Jesus Christ, you will begin to enjoy the new life which is begotten in Christ Jesus.

Dear beloved in the Lord, let it be your ultimate passion, love, joy, and energy to walk this life by loving God wholeheartedly. It is such a great honor when you follow after the LORD diligently with all your heart and might. Be blessed!

Heavenly Father, what a blessing it is to know that it is not with perishable things such as silver or hold that I’m saved, but with your precious blood I’m saved without blemish. Lead and guide me throughout all my days to fulfill my purpose and live you passionately in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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