Scripture: John 3:19 (KJV) - "And this is the condemnation, that light comes into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil."
Our love for God commences when we resist the flesh and allow the Spirit of God to help us live an upright life. In our scripture reading today, Jesus says whoever “loves his life shall lose it…”.
This love He’s talking about here is the soulish, old, or Adamic life. It has to do with our will, emotions, and minds. Jesus teaches us that if we love this kind of life, we will certainly lose it.
Beloved, if you are going to hate the Adamic life in this world, you shall keep the new life Christ gives to you which is the eternal life of God. Until the Adamic life dies, eternal life cannot be lived or experienced. There has to be first hatred for the soulish life, and that will depend on how much you love God.
I’m rooted in God and I live the life of Christ and not the Adamic life!
Everlasting Father, help your child to live rightly and guide me to move according to your preferences in Jesus’ Name. Amen.