2 Timothy 4:2(ESV)
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
We learnt in our devotional yesterday that the ultimate goal of Christ is to perfect us and bring to us our reward which all eyes will see and behold in eternity. The reason why Christ must be made evident in our lives is to bring us to perfection and in alignment with what God has called us.
As leaders, one of our goals is to charge our followers to follow after charity and lead them toward faithfully fulfilling the ministry of the word. This is why Paul was so concerned with the establishment of His son Timothy in the true Apostolic ministry for which he was called. As Christians, we should always be ready to serve God in all situations.
Paul told Timothy to correct, rebuke, and encourage. It is difficult to accept correction and to be told we have to change. But no matter how much the truth hurts, we must be willing to listen to it so we can more fully obey God. Alignment is key in our endorsement as stewards of Christ. Be full of him and be blessed in Him as you pursue Godliness. Hallelujah!!!
Most gracious Father, I thank you for making me a vessel of honor. Use me for your glory and work in me to the attainment of what you’ve called me for in Jesus’ Name. Amen.