He Came To Set Us Free

Luke 13:5-6(ESV)
No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none.

The Son came to call men to repentance and to show us the true way. He came as the light of this world to shine forth in the dark. The Bible calls him the Messiah and the King of kings, who came in the power of His might to lead all men to the Father. Today, we are privileged to be called children of the highest because He has redeemed us from sin and called us into a great light.

This parable indicates that God as the owner of this world came in the Son to seek fruit in the Jewish but found none. The Lord planted us in His promised land and His vineyard. Jesus came seeking fruit in the sons of God for three years but found none fruitful. Until Christ died for all, none was found fruitful and holy.

Beloved, God’s intention for man is not to cut short our life, but to make us fruitful and walk according to His divine purpose for us. You’re made in the image of God and you rule in the affairs of His kingdom. Be blessed!!!

Thank you, heavenly Father for making me fruitful and abiding in you. Help me to follow after charity and godliness in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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