The Appearing Of The Son Brought Us Freedom(The Book Of Titus)

Scripture: Titus 3:3-4(Recovery Version)
But when the kindness and the love to man of our Savior God appeared, not highest righteousness which we did but according to His mercy He saved allowed us and the renewing of the Holy Spirit.

The kindness and the love of our savior Jesus saved and made us children of the most high God. We did not pay for this act of service to deserve this package. He gave us the opportunity without any charge. Today, we have been adopted by Him to be His own and He as our Redeemer.

Our old selves only made us slaves to our formal life. Nothing done according to our works of righteousness gave us the element and a sphere of righteousness. Though one may do genuine works of righteousness, those works did not give us this freedom. God’s act of mercy saved us. Yes the grace of God that brings salvation to the world appeared for all who believe in His Name to be justified by the grace of our Lord.

The believer has been restored by our savior Jesus, who knew no sin, yet became one for all men to have liberty and gain free access to the Father. The question to you this day is: Are you born of God? Being born again is the commencing of a new change in the life of everyone. As you make this decision to be born again, the Holy Spirit will be renewed in you and will help you to walk genuinely with the Father.

LORD God, thank you for appearing of your Son Jesus Christ to save me from my formal and making me your own. I ask that you help and be my guide in all I do in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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