We Are Heirs According To The Hope Of Eternal Life(The Book Of Titus).

Scripture:Titus 3: 6-7(Recovery version)
Whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus that Christ our Savior, in order having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

The Holy Spirit was poured out richly upon the Church through Jesus Christ who’s our Redeemer and Savior. His work was to impact unto us all the divine riches in Christ, including His eternal life. This has become a reality today and many who believe in His Name and acknowledge that He is the Son of God, who died for humanity are given it free of charge.

We are privileged to be called heirs of His salvation according to the hope of eternal life which makes us possesses of the heavens not according to dead works in Christ but as a result of the right of sonship obtain in Him. You’re a qualified son to inherit the Father’s estate. Bible says if we belong to the Messiah, then we are Abraham’s descendant indeed, and heirs according to the promise(Galatians 3:29).

Brethren in the Lord, this eternal life enables us not to live and enjoy God in this age, but also to inherit in the coming age His promise which is His riches in eternity. The hope of our tomorrow is to have this life of peace and security in God. We are indeed heirs of God to inherit His possession. Be blessed!!!

Heavenly Father, blessed shall your Name always be, thank you for making me heirs of your salvation and bringing me to witness your light. Help me God to fulfill your purpose for my life in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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