Philemon 4-5(ESV)
I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus.
Philemon lived in Colosae and was an elder of the church there. Paul wrote this letter as an appreciation message to him for the good works he was partaking in the body of Christ. In the early stage of the believer, faith comes first, and then out of faith, love is produced ( Galatians 5:6, Ephesians 1:15).
Paul in this letter introduces love as the first before faith because of the matter of the equal status of the believers dealt with in the Epistle. It is a matter of love which comes out of faith. In the new man, the member loves out of faith( Titus 3:15). Our relationship is of love through faith in Christ Jesus.
It is good to appreciate the faith of one another in the Lord. Paul appreciated the faith of Philemon for his good works and became encouraged by his love. As we continue to live and do things in love, we will become effective in the full knowledge of every good thing which is in us according to the faith we’ve in our Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord!!!
Thank you Father for encouraging me to live in love and causing all things to abound to my good. Thank you for helping me to live in holiness, shine forth in my life and help me to walk after charity in Jesus’ Name. Amen.