Scripture: Mark 16:15(ESV)
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
Man has always been the channel through which God communicates to our fellow on earth. God has never used angels to preach the message of salvation. Though He does communicate to men in our dreams, the subject of salvation and the preaching of the Word has always been mankind.
God used Peter to preach to the centurion man and his household for the Holy Ghost to come upon them. The word of God brings judgment to forces of darkness and that which God has not planted and this same action occurs through the men He has created. Don’t have any excuse for preaching the gospel of salvation to the world. Many souls have been left in bondage, many are people who are full of darkness.
Bible says we are the light of the world (Mathew 5:14), part of the reason why we are the “light of this world” is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ which brings redemption to the world to many. God has given us the power to execute judgment and bring deliverance to the oppressed. Be excited about the kingdom works somebody. Do not fear because God will guide you as you make the move to preach in His Name. Be blessed!!!
Heavenly Father, raise me as you raised, Peter, Paul, and others to preach the Word with passion. Guide me to fulfill this mandate in Jesus’ Name. Amen.