I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.
Christ is the good shepherd who pastures the sheep and provides shelter at any place for them. In the book of Exodus, He provided not only water in their time of need but also gave them manna from the heavens unto the people of Isreal. Whoever must know God must first know Christ. He’s the way, the truth, and the life; for us to encounter Him, we need to be pastured by Him.
As a child of God, you’ve been translated from a place of darkness unto His place of light. Which means we are also the light of this world. All things were made by Christ and without Him was anything made that was made. You’re made in the original image of God. Considering the manner of love shown unto us, you are that express image begotten in Him.
Beloved, there’s no good shepherd but Christ, who laid down His life for you and me and brought us into a place of transformation where He gave unto us His life. A life that affords us great gain and beautify as a good and lively life. All things shall turn out to be fruitful in your life as you follow Him in every aspect of your life. Be blessed!!!
Thank you heavenly Father for being a pasture of my life. Direct my path and shine forth in every area of my life. Cause my path to be ordered and lead me from the temptation of this world in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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