Jeremiah 29:13(KJV)
And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
God commands our strong desire to know Him and walk with Him. That strong desire births an unquenchable urge for prayer and a holistic life in our pursuit of Him. When you pray in the spirit, the Holy Spirit takes over you and brings an overwhelming atmosphere around you.
This overwhelming atmosphere is the presence of God. David said, Lord if there’s anything you would take away from me, don’t let it be your presence. Have you ever wondered why David prayed such a prayer? God’s presence satisfies our thirsty souls.
As you continue more in fellowship with Him, your capacity for prayer increases, and with time, He begins to unleash His plans for your life in visions, and dreams, and address peculiar matters to you. May the Lord strengthen you and give you the capacity in the Spirit to yearn more for Him each day of your life. Hallelujah!
Father LORD, you’re my light and my salvation; you’re the pillar that holds my life. My soul pants for you much more than the deer pants after the water brooks. I desire to know you more and it’s a prayer that you cause me to fulfill my purpose in Jesus’ Name. Amen.