Imaginations and Strongholds(2)

2 Corinthians 10:5(ESV)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Imaginations and thoughts are in and of the mind. These are the strongholds of satan which he bases on them to fight the child of God. Imaginations and thoughts have put so many people into spiritual slavery and as a result, becoming disobedient to the voice of God. Through spiritual warfare, imaginations must be thrown and every thought must be taken captive to obey Christ.

God must be the commander in chief of our thoughts and everything must be geared towards submission to his control as we live in a world in which He framed all by himself. As believers, we must capture every thought and resist the devil whenever he pumps negative things into our minds. Resist the devil every second of your life. Confess Christ as your Lordship, no matter what may come your way, be led to push those carnal things away.

God has given us the wisdom to recognise danger and by this, you have the power to push such away. Never allow unhealthy thoughts to take you captive. You come to the obedience of Christ when you become sincere and admit the Lordship of Jesus over your life. Beloved, ask God to give you the spirit of discernment to keep your thoughts focused on his truth. Hallelujah!!!

Thank you heavenly Father for giving me a mind of Christ, and helping me to resist the devil in every circumstance. Deliver me from the power of imagination in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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