I Will Never Forsake You (II)

Matthew 27:46(KJV)
And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

We learned in yesterday’s devotional that whenever we feel God has forsaken us in every aspect of our life, it is for our good. In Psalm 22, God not only provides us words to pray during our desolate seasons, but He also helps us grasp the desolation Jesus experienced to purchase our peace and restoration.

That is the promise of Psalm 23, purchased by the price of Psalm 22: our Good Shepherd will restore our soul forever. Which makes the order of the Psalms fitting. Jesus was forsaken by God, scorned by men, and pierced in His hands and feet for our sake. He did this to guide us through every evil valley, honor us before every evil enemy, pursue us with goodness and mercy every day of our earthly life and even days we feel forsaken, and bring us to live with Him in His house forever (Ps. 23:4–6).

Do you feel forsaken by God? Jesus understands and sympathizes with you more than you know (Hebrew. 4:15). Let Psalm 22 be your song for brief nights, and Psalm 23 be your song for an eternal morning (Psalm 30:5). For all your lonely nights or refreshing mornings He makes this promise of faithfulness: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). May the spirit of God guide you through every season of your life because joy is coming out of every pain. Be blessed!!!

Heavenly Father, thank you for not forsaking me but for giving me joy and comfort. Guide and strengthen me throughout my journey with you in Jesus’ Name.Amen.

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