Do It For His Glory

Philippians 2:3(ESV)
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Apostle Paul wrote that some preach Christ out of envy and strife, and others because of good will. Out of the defence of the gospel, was Paul called, to imitate Christ and work towards the calling for which He was chosen to accomplish. Christ must not be preached out of selfish ambition, but rather out of love.

What constrains us all the time is the love of God that surpasses all things. Christ freely loved us, so must you freely preach the gospel in good mind and in a more excellent way which does not contradict the true gospel. The gospel is life unto them that believe shall you abundantly be filled.

Beloved, go all out to preach the word, do it out of this love that constrains us, not in envy not out of strife. Whatever we do, our reward shall be great and in abundance. The Lord help you and strengthen you for the fulfilment of the ministry for which you’re ordained to accomplish. Be blessed and be full with Christ as you go all out to preach in His Name. Hallelujah!!!

Heavenly Father, your word teaches me to preach the word in love and do the work of ministry according to what you’ve called me for. Help me to accomplish this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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