Ambassador of Christ(2)

2 Corinthians 5:20(ESV)
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, to be reconciled to God.

Apostle Paul admonishes the church of Corinth about who they are in Christ, not as people of the flesh, but as men ordained by God and full of His presence. God first reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave unto us the ministry of reconciliation. He did not account our offenses to us but as part of the great commission put in us the word of reconciliation.

On Christ’s behalf are we chosen as ambassadors of the gospel to reconcile all men unto Himself and preach the word to save the lost souls. The objective aspect of Christ’s death is to reconcile all sinners unto Himself. By this act of reconciliation, God’s chosen people are welcome into the Lord’s presence.

Brethren in Christ Jesus, in response to this kind gesture toward what has been shown us by the Father, we owe a responsibility to represent Him in every part of our surroundings. Representing Christ on earth is a mandate you have to fulfil. Let everything about Christ be a burden to you. Receive divine life to equip the church to the attainment of the crown of glory. Praise the Lord!!

Abba Father, thank You for making me a soul winner and reconciling me unto You. Help me to accomplish my mandate and guide me to be fruitful in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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