2 Corinthians 5:20(ESV)
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, to be reconciled to God.
The Apostles of Jesus Christ were appointed and commissioned with a definite ministry which has to do with being representative of Christ for His purpose for man to be accomplished. Our mandate as Christians is to point Jesus to the world. Bible says that for this purpose Christ died for all, that they might be forgiven by God.
I Christ bore the sins of this world on the cross, that we who died with Christ would be judged by God for our sake. The word of the Lord says in (Romans 6:8), for now, it is believed that we who died with Christ live with him in the resurrection. We represent Christ Jesus, who is in Heaven on Earth. We represent him in our homes, working environment and every part of the world.
Beloved in the Lord, represent Christ wherever you find yourself. God has given you the power to affect every change on earth. He has given you what it takes to effect changes in every part of your environment. Whenever you speak to every situation, it must respond because it is Christ who works in you. Receive grace to overcome every limitation to do kingdom work. Hallelujah!!!
Thank you, heavenly Father for making me the ambassador of your word. Help me and empower me to go into the nations to spread the gospel of salvation in Jesus’ Name. Amen.