Romans 5:17(ESV)
For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.
We reign in this world through Christ Jesus. In the millennium to come, we shall reign with Him, both in the new Heaven and the new earth. The righteousness given to us in Christ is a gift to us. In the book of (Revelation 20:6), scripture says to them who shall suffer your end and according to the promise of time shall reign with Christ a thousand years. Walk with the mindset of Christ.
Anyone who receives the abundance of grace can reign in life, for life issues out of the abundance of grace. The gift of righteousness erases judgment and ushers us into the depth of God’s love. The life of Christ you have received does not save you from a few things but all things. It enthrones you as a king to reign here on earth.
Beloved, you’re a new person with kingly values and mentality. If you suffer for Him, you shall reign with Him, but if you deny Him, He also shall deny you (2 Timothy 2:12). You reign in the affairs of God. As you serve God faithfully, all shall abound to your good. Hallelujah!!!
Thank you Abba Father for making me reign in heavenly places and on earth. Help me to fulfil every divine purpose for my life in Jesus’ Name. Amen.