Scripture: Proverbs 23:19(ESV)
Hear, my son, and be wise, and direct your heart in the way.
There’re things that some people do that invite demons into their lives. Many people yield themselves to the influence of demons through certain kinds of videos such as (pornographic materials), music, and others. Such things aren’t acceptable to God.
In the old testament( Leviticus 18) as part of the instructions given to Isreal, they were strictly forbidden from looking at the nakedness of others. Why then should Christians be interested in watching staff that exposes them to demonic staff?
I recently came across an interview of a young guy who was being questioned about the death of a young lady who willingly accepted to naked herself for 100 USD in a public meeting. This lady instantly died just after what happened as a result of an electric shock when she was leaving the stage. What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses their soul( Mark 8:36)?
As a child of God, you need to be consistent with the things of God. Think about it well. Many have sold their soul to the devil because of material things. Look at what happened to this young girl who could have worked hard and gained more than the amount that moved her to her death.
Bible makes it clear to us that the devil came to steal, kill and destroy but the Son of man came so that we will have His life and have it in abundance. Meditate on these things( John 10:10). May the LORD help and keep you from today. Hallelujah!!!
The God of this world has nothing to do with me. God has given me dominion over my flesh, to guide and keep my heart and mind with all diligence. I’m grateful Abba Father for separating me unto good works in Jesus’ Name. Amen.