John 14:17(ESV)
Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.
The work of the Spirit is, first, to convict the world. Second, as the Spirit of truth, He guides the church into all truth, making all that the Son is and has real to the believers. All that the Father is and has is embodied in the Son. In Christ dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily( Colossians 2:9).
All that the Son is and has is declared as reality to the believers through the Spirit of God. This declaration is the glorification of the Son with the Father. Hence it is a matter of the Triune God being wrought into and mingled with the believers. The Spirit also declares the things that are to come which are revealed in the Holy Scriptures as He spoke to holy men as they were led by the Spirit.
Beloved, the three aspects of the work of the Spirit of God revealed here and in John’s Gospel, his Epistles and Revelation to bring forth the church to the understanding of the revelations of Christ and increase us in the full knowledge of Christ according to the efficacy of love He has for the church. Increase in the wisdom of God from today. Be blessed!!!
Thank you heavenly Father for being my shield and my light. Guide and help me in all my ways and deliver me from every work of darkness in Jesus’ Name. Amen.