2 Timothy 4:6-7(ESV)
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.
The phrase “I am already being poured out..” in this script is to tell us about Paul’s sacrifice being shared throughout for all men to be saved. Paul went through a lot to see the body of Christ saved. He faced a lot of hardships, for Christ’s sake, he was cast into prison, delivered unto men, and beaten. Despite all this, he never stopped preaching the word.
Paul became a drink offering by painfully enjoying Christ so that he could be poured out as a sacrifice for believers’ faith through the shedding of his blood. Christ as a heavenly wine fills the offerer and causes him to become the wine to God. Paul found himself in such a situation that he became passionate about the gospel of Christ.
Beloved, a proper Christian life has three aspects: fighting a good fight against the kingdom of darkness for the interest of God’s kingdom, running the course for the carrying out of God’s economy accepting God’s eternal purpose, and keeping the faith for participation in the divine riches in God’s economy. Paul has indeed set an adequate pattern for us. The Lord helps you to climb higher to accomplish your purpose in Christ. Be blessed!!!
Heavenly Father, thank you for saving me and making me a soul winner. Separate me from all manner of unrighteousness and build me for your use in Jesus’ Name. Amen.