The Book Of Titus ( Correction In The Body Of Christ)

Titus 1:10-11( Recovery version)
For there are many unruly men, vain talkers, and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped, who overthrow whole households, teaching things for the sake of base gain, which they ought not to do.

Unruly men are people who are not submissive to control, they turn out to do that which pleases them rather than subjecting themselves to authority. Vain talker’s arguments are of no good purpose.

Apostle Paul continues his teaching to the believers in Crete admonishing them on certain speculative rumors that had kept many in bondage. Apostle Paul had it at heart to see the world know Jesus after His encounter and for many to encounter the light of God than being kept in the darkness.

Our community we live in and the country is full of many empty talkers and deceivers who do preach doctrines that are contrary to God’s word. In this same letter, Paul admonishes those of the circumcision party. There were groups of people who taught that without circumcision, you cannot be a follower of Christ Jesus.

This teaching has led many families to part ways with their loved ones. Their classification of who is righteous and who was unrighteous was based on this. Apostle Paul says circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not of the letter.

Beloved, if we would take the straight way, that is God’s way of truth, His way of righteouness, and live an upright life without crookedness and bias and forgo what will satisfy the stomach but strictly preach the undiluted word of God which can draw men out of their mess, our Lord Jesus will be so much proud of us. May God’s Spirit guide you and help you to accomplish the needful. Be blessed!!!

Heavenly Father, help me to preach your undiluted word which can heal, and bring men out of their mess, help me to stand out and lead me to accomplish my purpose in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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