He Came To Set Us Free

John 8:32(ESV)
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

God and His word are one. He is the truth that came to set us free. God is the way and the part that brings freedom to the church. Bible teaches that the Word became flesh and dwelleth among the living( John 1:14). This Word was the Christ, the Son of the living God. He came to set you free, gave you the liberty you need, and authority and power to triumph over all things.

What Christ Jesus ( the true Son of the living God ) showed us is not just about the truth of doctrine, He gave us the reality of the divine things which is the Lord Himself. He offered himself as a sacrifice and paid the penalty for our sins. He became united with man and expressed through humanity in other for the fulfillment of His glorious purpose to be made accomplished.

If therefore, the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed( John 8:36). This proves that Jesus himself is the truth who came to liberate the world and gave us a more excellent name that is above all names. When Christ comes into your life, He shines in you and brings all His divine elements into your life. May the Lord shine through you and give you His eternal peace from henceforth!!!

Heavenly Father, thank you for setting me free from my past and shining through me. Enrich me in Your Word and grace me with so much of Your self in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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