John 21:15(ESV)
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.”
We find Jesus in a conversation with Peter ready and willing to restore his love for Him and the ministry. Anyone who loves Christ must love the church. Peter did have a heart to love God but he was too confident in his strength. His love for the Lord was precious, but his natural strength had to be dealt with.
Anytime we are confident in our physical ability towards the work of ministry, we will end up failing. Peter utterly failed three times in proving his love for Christ when He was arrested. This was one way that taught Peter not to rely on his ability. If the Lord does not deal with us, the troubles of life may quench our ultimate love for Christ.
Beloved, in our natural confidence, we may end up failing in our assignment and destroying the beautiful ministry the Lord has called us into. Jesus Christ came to restore Peter’s love toward Him, to charge him with the shepherding of His church, and to point the world to the Father again. May the Lord ignite your fire again and restore you in full to do the work of ministry. Be blessed!!!
Prayerfully says this after me:
Heavenly Father, do away with every stony heart in me and build my confidence in You to be able to walk with You diligently in Jesus’ Name. Amen.