God’s Salvation Plan

Luke 10:30(ESV)
A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead.

This parable in Luke conveys the principle of high morality in both the church and outside the church in the Savior’s full salvation plan. The intended certain man in our scripture reading is a figure of the self-justified lawyer in Luke 10:29, as a sinner who had fallen from the foundation of peace( Jerusalem) to the condition of curse( Jericho).

No matter your status in life, you must portray a life of peace love, and unity. Christ admonishes us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. The Samaritan man who offered help to the beaten man here signifies the man savior who bore our infirmities on the cross. He was despised and slandered as a low and mean Samarithan( John 8:48) yet suffered violence to give us eternal life.

The church represents the wondered victim who lay miserable and in a dying condition. Christ came to heal us of our wounds, and our depression and saved us from everything that brought limitations in our lives. In Christ’s merciful, tender, and bountiful care, in his humanity with His divinity, for a sinner condemned under the law, the Priest of this world came to save us. We are blessed to have Him as our helper. Praise the Lord!!!

Thank you heavenly Father for giving us Christ Jesus to redeem us from the curse of the law. Lead and transform me and make me loyal in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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