Scripture: Romans 5:14(ESV)
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
What will give you life as a Christian is your ability to mortify your members and kill the flesh. The leading by the Spirit is not an outward thing but an inward one. It is composed of the law of the Spirit of life. This law of life makes us free from the law of sin and death. As Christians, we must take the initiative to be led by God’s spirit.
We must take Him as our life and everything of the old must not be looked at. If we live under this leading of God, we will walk and behave in a certain way that proves that we are the sons of God.
The question today is: Are you a son of God? When we talk about the leading of God, it is not an action of the Spirit. It is the triune God having a full expression in us and becoming the leader in our spirit.
Beloved in Christ, if you will spontaneously be led by Him and become members of Christ to constitute the body of Christ, all shall turn in favor of your good. When Bible says “for all who are led by the Spirit are sons of God”, what it is seeking to express is the people who are in the stage of transformation of their souls and seeking daily to walk with God will find Him. May you never walk out of the will of God, but seek to know Him and find Him all the time. Receive grace to find Him!!!
Heavenly Father, help me to know you and find you diligently and teach me your ways that I may not dwell in sin in Jesus’ Name. Amen.