Scripture: Colossians 3:4(ESV)When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
We saw earlier that setting our minds on things above means that we are to not only seek Christ, but the very things He loves. Christ Jesus loved us even before the foundation of this world. Our focus, our heart, and our bodies must be geared towards the true one.
You may be black or white but in heaven, there is nothing like that and God will not deal with us based on our color differences but according to our assignment.
When you go deeper into God, you will realize that there is no ethnicity or discrimination. Each one of us is classified as God’s sheep.
Beloved in Christ, every work we do, everything we act upon, and everything we look up to pursuing must be geared towards Christ and His finished work.
Bible says we should seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness because that is what will make us valuable and profitable to the Kingdom of God. Glory to God in the highest!!!
Heavenly Father, I’m grateful for your kindness towards me, for your mercy, and for showing me your way all the time. Guide and protect me from every plan of the enemy and redeem me from the works of the enemy as I pursue godliness in Jesus’ Name. Amen.