John 1:5( KJV)
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
John the Apostle gave us the revelation concerning Christ. In his letter, he spoke about Jesus being in the world but the world knew Him not. In Christ alone is life found and this life was the light of men. The word comprehend comes from the Greek word “katalambanō” which means to attain, find and overtake.
Jesus as the light of God shined through darkness but darkness could not overtake Him. Darkness could not comprehend (Jesus the light of the world). As long as darkness could not overtake and overpower Jesus, so are you strongly empowered to overcome. Have you ever found yourself in a dark room where the light was turned on and there was still darkness around? This cannot happen.
When Jesus referred to the Christian as the light of the world and a city that cannot be hidden( Mathew 5:14), he was telling us of the price which He has paid that guarantees us freedom. As a Christian, Jesus has taken you out of your mess and given you a far better name that supersedes all other things in this world.
You’re called to light up the darkness in your family, at your workplace, community, and in the entire world. God has given you all power and authority to overcome and take dominion. May Christ be glorified in you from henceforth!!!
Heavenly Father, thank you for glorifying yourself in me. Thank you for shining in my life to give me eternal peace and for granting me the grace to be an overcomer. Help me to be conscious of the things of the spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen.