1 Corinthians 2:1(Recovery Version)
And I, when I came to you, brothers, came not according to excellence of speech or of wisdom, announcing to you the mystery of God.
Apostle Paul went to the church of Corinth not to display his excellent superior speech and wisdom in announcing the mystery of Christ. His goal was to let the church understand who the Christ was. The mystery of God is Christ as the embodiment of God and the church as the expression of Christ. Christ and the church are the great mystery(Ephesians 5:32).
The mystery of God which has been kept in silence in the times of the ages, is mainly of two aspects, the mystery of God, which is Christ ( Colossians 2:2) who is in us as our life and everything that we may become the members of His body and the mystery of Christ which is the church as His body to express His fullness on earth.
Brethren all this is to make us understand who we are. We are one with the son of God. Anyone who is born of God is given the privilege to understand the mystery of his kingdom. The totality of His mystery is summed up in the Holy Ghost. Receive grace to seek the Lord while He is near from today. Hallelujah!!!
Thank you heavenly Father for bestowing on me the mysteries of Christ and empowering me in the power of your might. Help me to live and understand all you teach me in Jesus’ Name. Amen.