1 Corinthians 1:30(ESV)
And because of him, you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.
As Christians, it is so important we get all the education we can, but we shouldn’t make it our god. Unfortunately, Western education leaves out seeking God from its system. Without a balanced system that sees God as the ultimate need to have a peaceful community, our society will be scattered, crimes will keep on increasing and molestation will keep on increasing.
What we keep on focusing on is reconstructing our sins in the name of modernization. We expand our sins, enlarge them, multiply them. We need education, but not just for the mind and the body; we also need education for the spirit. Man has a spirit, and in our educational system today we need a spiritual emphasis.
Beloved, If we bring up a generation that lacks the wisdom that God can give, they can turn into educated savages and fools. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” and education. Let’s make sure our rock is God, let’s depend on Him solemnly and gear our way towards seeking the Lord. You’re a blessing!!!
Gracious Father, Your word teaches me to seek You in everything I do. Help me to live a balanced Christian life and guide me to fulfil my purpose in Jesus’ Name. Amen.