Called To Bear Much Fruit

 Psalm 1:3(ESV).                                                  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

As a child of God, you’re called to live each day of your life in God’s goodness, in His glory and over every situation you find yourself in. You’re marked for success. The triumphant life is your birthright and you’re raised far above failure because you sit with Christ and a host of angels in heavenly places. Your life is a testimony of God’s goodness and mercy.

You’re seated far above the devil and the cohort of darkness and every negative influence will not have dominion over you. Have the mentality that you can’t be defeated because, on the cross, Christ won the battle. He has made us one with Him and given unto you power and authority to override the devil’s wicked agenda.

What a privilege we have!! To share with Him a place in His heavenly abode and call each one of us His children. You are the inheritance of our marker, you cannot be disadvantaged. All Christ has is yours. The Lord is at work in you, both to will and to do if His pleasure. He’s our sufficiency and the excellency of price. Glory to the lamb of God!!!

Thank you Abba Father, for marking me for victory and crowning me faithful enough to be your son. Guide me and help me to walk in your will in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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