1 Timothy 4:7(KJV)
But refuse profane and old wives fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.
The phrase… “profane and old wives fables” in this context is Paul’s counsel to Timothy as a minister of God to avoid silly, unreliable hearsay that does not honour God, rather focus his efforts on personal godliness which aims to reverence God. Timothy was not just a follower of Paul but a faithful son who had gone through a lot of training from Paul the Apostle.
The act of unreliable hearsay, and silly comments is a result of setting the mind on the flesh. It includes rumours, reports, fiction and fabrications. Christ wants each one of us to focus on his household administration which is dispensed in Himself and geared towards building us on a godly path. This was what the Apostle’s ministry was centred on.
Beloved, you’re called as an able minister to serve Christ to the world and bring into account good reports for the work of Christ which you’re called into. If you will look unto God, the author and finisher of this world and fully present yourself unto what you’re called into, He shall make the best out of you. Take charge as you go to the world to minister life. Blessed be God forever!!!
Heavenly Father, thank you for making me your vessel of honour, guiding me and always showing me your love. Help me to walk perfectly in your ways and lead me in all directions in Jesus’ Name. Amen.