Scripture: John 14:15(KJV)
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
We’ll like to look at the love for God in the book of (John 14:15). Jesus says if you love me keep my commandments. Meaning, we can express our love for God by keeping His commandments.
You may say I choose to love God with my will or I choose to love God with my mind but Jesus is teaching us that one of the ways to show God you love Him is by keeping His commandments.
Beloved, he is saying that if you can keep His commandments then you are expressing love for me. Let this be your stand from today, that you will love the Lord passionately without any condition. Hallelujah!
Thank you, heavenly Father, for the love you’ve shown me, I ask that you continue to show me daily. Lead me to accomplish my purpose in Jesus’ Name. Amen.