He Is True To His Word

1 Corinthians 1:9(Recovery Version)
God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ out Lord.

The testimony of Christ in us is the enrichment of His word which made us faithful stewards. This testimony is a result of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ both in knowledge and His might that was bestowed upon us. God is always true to His promise. In His faithfulness has He confirmed every one of us until the end, making us unreprovable till Christ be seen.

We are called into the fellowship of His Son. God has called us into such a fellowship that we may enjoy Christ as our God-given portion. This came as a result of His mercy and His unconditional love He has for us. You’ve been called into Christ making you spiritually dead to sin and awake in the new life bestowed upon us. Christ is God’s power and God’s wisdom as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption to us.

Beloved, the eternal rock of ages and the last Adam who came that we may see the light and no more darkness became a life-giving Spirit unto the church that we may receive Him into us as our everything. Cast all your attention on Him and not on any person because He is loving and able to do far more exceedingly than we may think. As you walk through the day, may the Spirit of the Lord guide you to focus on Him only. Be blessed somebody!!!

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me your only begotten us for my salvation and redemption. I ask that You guide me, strengthen my faith in You and show me Your way as You do always in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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